Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The BRIDGE - A Spartan Warrior redeems himself

The tale of a disgraced Spartan warrior hero and his redemption.
Set in ancient Greece a warrior is banished from Sparta, this short story details his journey to a new life with new values.

For the reader in you.
Why did I write The Bridge? Short stories are hard for me to write. Usually whenever I try to write a short story the damn things take on a life of their own and end up far too long.
When I write I simply start with a concept or idea. For example The Bridge started out with a question. How would an act of cowardice in another age be viewed by our modern society?
 I sat down thought of a time in history and began to write. The story, like nearly all my writing, played like a movie in my head and I wrote it down as I watched it.
Of course it has been edited by myself, my wife and Christine my publisher but essentially the story is as written. This how I write, even for full length novels. I have no plans, almost no structure, and only stop when I need to Google something.
This short story was written in an afternoon and one evening session. I have written more and would be interested to know if you would like to see this short story evolve into a full length novel.
I have only a short high school education and I am an atrocious speller at times. From telling completely made-up stories to my children at bedtimes, some which went on for many nights; I am always amazed how my writing tells itself and I just seem to be the stenographer.
Are other writers the same?
If you would like to comment regarding reading more about my Spartan warrior or about how you write, please use the comments box below.